Lots of twelves.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12. The last sequential date for the rest of the century. For the rest of my life! Kinda special. So what did I do? I got up at the booty crack of dawn to take my 7am scheduled final for GIS. I wrote down what seemed to be every piece of GIS knowledge I know for a solid three and a half hours. I got hit on by a guy and kind of fibbed when he asked if I was dating anyone so that I wouldn't have to give him my number... God understands... right? Please be right... I went on a breakfast date with a cute guy. {And when we say 'breakfast' we mean McFlurries. Yeahhh. It was way rad.} I took a picture at 12:12pm with the two most amazing ladies I know. We ate chocolate because it's finals week {Yes, I ate so well today}. I sat in the library and studied for four hours. I rocked my geology final. I made a quesadilla with about half a pound of Mariah's cheese in order to get it all used up before we go home. Yep. Team effort for the win.
Taken on 12/12/12 at 12:12. We were real excited about this, folks.

One more final left and then it's home to my family and the Evergreen State. Life is good.

Reading days? Finals? Studying? What?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

This goes on the "videos that are only funny to the people who were actually in them" list. But it needs to be on here. My grandma knows I love office supplies. {Seriously. I have an addiction.} So to encourage me through finals my grandparents sent me these totally rad speech bubble shaped stickies in the mail. This is the first thing we did with them. Needless to say not much studying got done yesterday.

Hope you're proud, gramma! [:

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