
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Five facts about life as of right this very second:

1) Homecoming weekend. It's great. Especially when you get blue pancakes for breakfast. FREE blue pancakes. What's good.
2) These mountains in the fall. I can't get over them. They are just so beautiful.
3) Likewise to the sunny, crisp, chilly weather that comes with the season in Provo. Hardly any mushiness or sogginess until the later weeks. Heaven.
4) My roommate takes the GRE today. She's a champ and she'll beast it, I know. I've gotten to learn a whole lot of new words as she's been studying for it this semester, such as lambaste, hackneyed, and sycophant.
5) I love my major. Even if it keeps me in the library every evening after class. But it's okay. Connor and I treat it as a date and that makes it just fine. [:


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