Our biggest adventure yet

Sunday, May 8, 2016

At the very end of March, we found out that our life was about to get one tiny human bigger! 
We are having a baby!!!!
(Easily the most emotionally-intense bathroom trip I've ever taken.)

After almost three years of the most fantastic adventures together - college, camping trips, national parks, weekend trips, Europe, the Caribbean, moving, new jobs - we decided it was time to take on our biggest adventure yet. I'm ten weeks along and am due in November!
Ahh! Is this real?!? Even after our first ultrasound, where we heard the heartbeat and saw tiny little movements (I cried), it didn't seem real at all. Going into that appointment I told Ryan I was so sure that they would do all of their doctor stuff and say, "We're not sure what you're talking about. You're so not pregnant." And I'd say, "I knew it!" But it's really, truly, happening! When our OB found our little bean on the ultrasound and pronounced, "Well, you are definitely pregnant!" I thought my heart was going to explode. We could hear the tiny heart beat and see the tiny movements! Squeezing Ryan's hand as he stood next to me, both of us staring at that black and white screen was something I'll never forget. 

Some notes I've taken since we found out... I've felt my hunger go into 5000% overdrive and my need for sleep follow accordingly. I hit a wall around 9:30pm, an hour before we usually go to bed, and Ryan is forced to just kind of hang out until he gets tired enough to sleep! Haha! It seriously surprises me every day how every two hours, without fail, my stomach doesn't just tell me "Hey I'm empty!" but more like "YOU HAVENT FED ME FOR DECADES AND I AM NOW SHRIVELING UP AND DYING," despite having just had a sizable meal not long before. (Probably just preparing me for the frequent night feedings once baby's here...) It's hunger I've never felt ever before!
I've been completely turned off to sweet things. It's allll about the salty. I've been craving Ramen noodles, Alfredo pasta, toast, plain tortilla chips or crackers, etc. In fact most sweet things like cookies, chocolate (especially!), cake, and just dessert in general make me feel pretty sick thinking about them. I also have a really hard time eating vegetables, and the usual carrots and hummus I have in my lunches are no longer my friend. My sense of smell has skyrocketed, and just the smell of things like turkey lunch meat, chocolate, hummus, and our vegetable stir-fry mix get my gag reflex going a little bit. I can smell my coworkers' deodorant from down the hall, can smell when the fridge at work is open, and can smell when Ryan is taking a shower - all the way from the front room!
All of that being said, I have been so lucky so far to have had really no serious nausea or sickness at all. I've had some mild nausea at random times of the day, and it usually means my stomach is empty. Once I eat - problem solved. I count myself lucky after some of the pregnancies I've seen friends go through! Fingers crossed...

Telling our families was the the best! But I laugh at myself when I think about it - we seriously went back and forth for like three weeks with "When should we tell them?!" Actually just kidding. That was me. Ryan was just rolling his eyes. For some reason I got super freaked out whenever I thought about it. I didn't know when to break the news! We finally decided on a Sunday towards the end of April, when I was around 7 weeks along. For Ryan's family, we made a cute card with the due date and baby stickers and had Laura open it after Sunday dinner. We loved their reactions! Jen's screams and the tackle that followed was pretty priceless. For my family, we held up the due date on a piece of paper while we did our weekly Facetime session. I love re-watching their reactions and the different moments the realization hits each of them. And telling the GHP gang, on our way to Canyonlands on this trip was hilarious as well. Andrew's "WHATT!?" is my favorite. I was lucky to only deal with a tiny bit of nausea on that trip!

Head on the right side. Our little tiny bean!

You are so loved already, Baby Gray! We can't wait to meet you!

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