Today I am my to-do list's worst nightmare.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm going to run with my mother. I'm going to finish & send off my letter to Elder Batschi, plus finally write back to Elder Bezzant, Hancock & Bond because the letters keep comin and I feel like a completely terrible friend each time I find one in the mail & fail at responding. I'm going to weed the side of the house where five trillion dandelions decided to have a party and make a bajillion babies while we were in Hawaii, then deep clean my room. And then I'm going to pick up four of the cutest kids in my ward and have three hours of playtime. Finally, when they're in bed, I'm maybe going to attempt to finish my currently-in-draft-status post about said trip to Hawaii & some other stuff. But that's only a maybe.
To-do list, you better be shakin in your boots. Rawr.

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